Tuesday, September 15, 2020

correlation IQA

Q. What is correlation in the context of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)?

Answer: Correlation in SOA refers to the process of associating related messages or activities within a distributed system. It ensures that responses are correctly matched with their corresponding requests, even in asynchronous or long-running processes. Correlation is essential for maintaining context and tracking the progress of each business process or transaction.

Q. Why is correlation important in SOA?

Answer: Correlation is important in SOA for several reasons:

It allows the system to link responses with their corresponding requests.

It enables tracking of the progress of asynchronous or long-running processes.

It ensures that messages are correctly routed and processed based on their context.

It supports error handling and compensation mechanisms.

It helps maintain the state and context of each process instance.

Q. What are some common use cases for correlation in SOA?

Answer: Common use cases for correlation in SOA include:

Asynchronous communication: Managing responses in asynchronous interactions.

Long-running processes: Tracking the state and progress of complex, multi-step processes.

Error handling: Associating error messages with the corresponding failed operations.

Message routing: Ensuring that messages are directed to the correct destinations based on context.

Compensation: Rolling back or compensating for failed or incomplete processes.

Q. How can you implement correlation in an SOA environment?

Answer: Implementing correlation in SOA involves defining a correlation key, establishing a correlation context, configuring sender and receiver components to include and extract correlation keys, routing messages based on these keys, implementing timeouts and error handling, and using middleware or BPM tools that offer correlation support.

Q. What are some challenges you may encounter when implementing correlation in SOA?

Answer: Challenges in implementing correlation in SOA include:

Ensuring unique and meaningful correlation keys.

Handling high volumes of concurrent correlations efficiently.

Implementing error handling and recovery mechanisms.

Integrating correlation with existing systems and middleware.

Balancing performance and scalability considerations.

Q. Can you explain how WS-Addressing is used for correlation in SOA?

Answer: WS-Addressing is a standard for including addressing information within SOAP messages. It provides elements like "Message ID" and "Reply To" that help in correlating messages in SOA. "Message ID" serves as a unique identifier for each message, while "Reply To" specifies where the response should be sent. This allows for proper correlation of asynchronous responses with their corresponding requests.

Q. How can you ensure the scalability and performance of your correlation mechanism in SOA?

Answer: To ensure scalability and performance, consider optimizing your correlation mechanism by:

Efficiently managing correlation contexts and keys.

Using caching mechanisms for frequently correlated data.

Distributing correlation workloads across multiple servers or nodes.

Implementing appropriate timeouts and resource management.

Regularly monitoring and tuning your correlation implementation for optimal performance.

Q. Can you provide an example of a real-world scenario where correlation in SOA is crucial?

Answer: One example is in e-commerce order processing, where a customer places an order, and the system processes it asynchronously. Correlation is used to ensure that order-related actions (payment processing, shipping, email notifications) are correctly associated with the original order request, even though these actions may occur at different times and in different services.

 Q.) If A call B and B call C and Response would be in Reverse manner. i.e. C responds to B and B respond to A, So how you will respond to A from C without responding B?

Oracle BPEL Correlation Exemplified

In short, Correlation is a BPEL technique that provides a correlation of asynchronous messages based on the content of the message.
Correlation Sets are used to correlate the messages when interacting with the Asynchronous systems.
To identify the messages (requests, delayed responses) in asynchronous communication we can use either
1) WS-Addressing
2) Correlation set

You can use correlation sets in invoke, receive, pick, and reply activities to indicate which correlation sets occur in the messages that are sent and received."

Whenever a synchronous web service is invoked from Oracle BPEL via a partnerlink, only one port is established for communication with the exposed web service which is used by both request & response messages.

However, when an asynchronous web service is invoked, two ports are opened for communication: one for request & one for response messages.


Correlation is a technique that helps to correlate messages between a producer and consumer of the messages in an asynchronous transaction. 

Correlation helps in scenarios where the interactions are complex. 

Mid-process receive uses correlation sets to correlate messages between incoming message and running instances that are waiting for a message to continue its operations. "

Correlation sets in Asynchronous service

It directing webservice responses to the correct BPEL process sevice component instance.

"you can use the correlation sets to identify asynchronous messages to ensure that asynchronous callback locate the appropriate client."

use correlation sets to ensure that asynchronous callbacks locate the appropriate client.

Correlation Set

It is used to tie together a partner conversation and are used to associate messages with business processes.

Createing Correlation Set


-> In the properties section, click 'Add' 

-> In the properties section, click 'Add' 

-> Provide a name and type for the property.

When set to yes, the correlation set is initiated with the values of the properties available in the message being transferred

When set to no, the correlation set validates the value of the property available in the message

Pattern Attribute: (Value Set - in, out, in-out)

When the value is 'in', it means that the correlation property is set/validated on the incoming message

When the value is 'out', it means that the correlation property is set/validated on the message going out of BPEL

In case of 'in-out', the property will be set/validated on both incoming & outgoing messages

Property — A property is an arbitrarily named token.

Property alias — A property alias is a rule that tells the BPEL runtime how to map data from a message into property value. 

Correlation set — A correlation set is a compound key made up of one or more property values, actually, it is a property set.


When an asynchronous service is initiated with the invoke activity, 

 a correlation ID unique to the client request is also sent (using WS Addressing).

Because multiple processes may be waiting for service callbacks

"Oracle BPEL Server must know which BPEL process instance is waiting for a callback message from the loan application approver Web service."

The correlation ID enables Oracle BPEL Server to correlate the response with the appropriate requesting instance

Suppose we have asynchronous calls: like call 1 call2, call 3 , call 4, call 5 and BPEL is waiting for a response. There is a chance that call3 response call came before call2, or call5 response came before call 1. In order to control and map source and response, messages correlation id is used.

Here we have few properties whose meaning are explained below :

Initiate = yes  --->  this means that we assign the value to the correlation variable.

Initiate=no ----->    this means, we want to validate the value against, value stored in correlation variable.

Pattern = in ----> initiated with something that is coming into the BPEL

Pattern= out -----> initiated with something that is going out of BPEL.

Pattern= in/out -----> initiated with something that is going in and out of BPEL.

Q) Why & Where Correlation?

When using an asynchronous service that does not support WS-Addressing.

When receiving unsolicited messages from another system.

When the message travels through several services and the response is solicited by the initial service from the last service directly.

when the conversation is in the form A > B > C > A instead of A > B > A.

When communicating through files.

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