What Is BPEL?
BPEL stands
for Business Process Execution Language. It is a XML based
declarative language that can be used implement end to end business processes.
Basic building block of these processes is a service, which could be a web service.
BPEL utilizes various adapters to service enable legacy and custom applications
before consuming them in processes. BPEL also provides human workflow that has
variety of uses.
BPEL stands for Business Process Execution
it is one of the component of SOA Suite tool.
BPEL is a XML based language used to design
business process/flows.
We perform service orchestration in BPEL.
We design a business process that integrates a
series of discrete services into an end-to-end process flow.
BPEL is a sub-set of the Business Process
Management discipline.
BPEL bridges the gap between BPM and SOA.
BPEL does what BPM cannot do on its own
i.e. execute/orchestrate processes across
department/functional systems in a standard way while at the same time
Visibility & Control to the Business Process Owner
Process Execution Language (BPEL) is:
A mark-up
language for orchestrating services into an end-to end process flow
Built on
top of XML-related specifications
by a BPEL engine that can process the BPEL XML source
Usage Patterns for BPEL Components
• BPEL is good for creating components that:
– Call upon multiple services, especially asynchronous
and longrunning ones
– Provide complex, externalized decision logic
• The BPEL component works closely with:
– Mediator
– Business Rule service components
– Human Task
– Notification service
Provide end to end business process by using BPEL activities Like
1)Assign activity 2)Switch
activity 3)Receive activity 4 )Reply activity
5)Flow activity 6) FlowN
activity 7) Invoke activity 8) Pick
9)Transform 10)
Scope activity 11) Email activity 12) Throw
13)Wait activity 14) While activity
What Are Different Parts Of BPEL?
Below are different parts of BPEL
1. Service Interface: A WSDL
describing the functionality of the BPEL process.
The service interface
provides the end user a way to interact with the BPEL process component using
Service Interface / Service Binding.
2. Activities: units of work. The actual elements
that make up the BPEL process flow or sequence of instructions to be executed.
3. Partner links: also called Reference bindings.
A partner link describes
the roles played for the interaction between the BPEL process and the service
it invokes.
When one component interact with other different component
or binding component, relationship btn them is called as Partner link.
2 types
of partner link
Client partner link and
Invoke partner link
When we hit something or we r interacting with someone is
called invoke partner link
But when something is interacting with us is called as
client partner link
Connection between service & binding component and within
service & binding components know as wire.
I.e. this enable us to graphically connect the components in
a SOA composite application.
Assign Activity:
An assign activity enables
you to manipulate data, such as copying the contents of one variable to
Can copies data from
variables, expressions or xml fragments of one variable to any another variable
of a BPEL process.
it is used to copy the
content of one element to other element using copyrules operation. (btn source
and target )
Mapping should be always
btn simple element (i.e where actual value r their).
: A variable can optionally be initialized by using an
inline from-spec.
: The to-spec
to the variable being created.
bpelx:append : The bpelx:append
extension in an assign activity enables a
BPEL process service component
to append the contents of one variable, expression, or XML fragment to
another variable's contents.
bpelx:insertBefore : The bpelx:insertBefore
extension in an assign activity enables a
BPEL process service component to insert the contents of one variable,
expression, or XML fragment before another variable's contents.
bpelx:insertAfter : The bpelx:insertAfter
extension in an assign activity enables a
BPEL process service component to insert the contents of one variable,
expression, or XML fragment after another variable's contents.
Can perform any of the following task:
Invoke Activity:
This activity enables you to specify an operation you want to invoke for
the service (identified by its partner link). The operation can be one-way or
request-response on a port provided by the service. You can also automatically
create variables in an invoke activity. An invoke activity invokes a
synchronous web service or initiates an asynchronous web service.
The invoke activity opens a port in the process to send and receive data.
It uses this port to submit required data and receive a response. For
synchronous callbacks, only one port is needed for both the send and the
receive functions.
The invoke activity supports the bpelx:inputProperty and
bpelx:outputProperty that facilitate the passing of properties through the SOAP
header and the obtaining of SOA runtime system properties for useful
information such as the tracking.compositeInstanceId and
An invoke activity enables
you to invoke a service (identified by its partner link) and specify an
operation for this service to perform.
Opens a port in the BPEL
process service component to send and receive data.
The scope activity partitions a BPEL business process into logically
organized sections. It provides context for variables, fault handling, Compensation,
event handling, and Correlation sets. It is a structured activity that contains
one other activity, which may itself contain other activities.
It is a container and a
context for other activities of a BPEL process.
Scope activity is used to
group functional steps within a BPEL process.
We can collapse scope
activity into a single element in Oracle BPEL Designer.
The scope activity consists of collection of nested activities that can have their own local variables, fault handlers, compensation handlers, and so on.
A scope enables you to manage events within the scope by defining.
-> Variable(By default,
asynchronous and synchronous BPEL Projects are created with two
global variables called
input and output variables, respectively)
->Partner links
-> Fault handlers,
specific catch handlers and catch all handlers
-> Compensation
-> Message handlers
-> Alarm handlers
Sequence is
make sure whatever activity following under this will execute sequence.
sequence activity enables you to define a collection of activities to be
performed in a sequential order.
It notifies
the other processes to continue processing.
Receive Activity:
This activity specifies the partner link from which to receive
information and the port type and operation for the partner link to invoke.
This activity waits for an asynchronous callback response message from a
service, such as a loan application approver service.
While the BPEL process is waiting,
it is dehydrated (compressed and stored) until the callback message arrives.
The contents of this response are stored in a response variable in the process.
The receive activity supports the bpelx:property extensions that
facilitate the passing of properties through the SOAP header, and the obtaining
of SOA runtime system properties for useful information such as
tracking.compositeInstanceId and tracking.conversationId.
Receive activity is
used to except the payload or the request coming from outer world inside the
A receive activity is also
used when a process is started asynchronously through a partner link.
A receive activity waits
for an asynchronous call-back response message from a service.
This activity allows the process to send a message in reply
to a message that was received through a receive [activity. The combination of
a receive activity and a reply activity forms a request-response operation on
the WSDL port type for the process
It allows the process to
send a message in reply to a message that was received through a receive
Note: The receive and
reply activities are used to form the standard request – response pattern.
Receive Signal
receive signal activity waits until it receives the proper notification signal from the other process(master or detail) before continuing its processing.
Pick Activity:
This activity waits for
the occurrence of one event in a set of events and performs the activity
associated with that event. The occurrence of the events is often mutually
exclusive (the process either receives an acceptance or rejection message, but
not both). If multiple events occur, the selection of the activity to perform
depends on which event occurred first. If the events occur nearly
simultaneously, there is a race and the choice of activity to be performed is
dependent on both timing and implementation.
The pick activity provides
two branches, each one with a condition. The branch that has its condition
satisfied first is executed.
The pick activity provides
a wait for the occurrence of a set of events, such as a message arriving or a
timeout condition specified by an alarm. Only one of these events will be acted
on by a sequence of activities to handle the events.
The pick activity has 2 branches −
onMessage − the code on this branch is equal to the code for receiving a
response before a timeout was added.
onAlarm − this condition has code for a timeout of one minute.
an onEvent branch in a
scope activity that causes a specified event to wait for a message to arrive
BPEL supports two types of events
Message Events
Alarm Events
onMessage :
These events are triggered by incoming messages through
operation invocation on port types.
condition has code for receiving a reply.
onMessage branch is similar to a receive activity in that it receives
It have
different operations. Therefore, separate threads and parallel processes can be
invoked for each operation.
onAlarm :
These events are
time-related and are triggered either after a certain duration or at a specific
Often, however, it is more useful to wait for more than one message, of which
only one will occur.
Alarm events are useful when you want the process to wait for a callback for a
certain period of time, such as 15 minutes.
o If no
callback is received, the process flow continues as designed.
o Useful in
loosely coupled service-oriented architectures, where you cannot rely on Web
services being available all the time.
This condition has code for a timeout.
is for seconds
for one minute
is for hour
is for day
is for year
This time is defined
as PT1M, which means to wait one minute before timing outS is for
you want a time limit
of 1 year, 3 days, and 15 seconds, you enter it
as PT1Y3D15S.
Wait activity:
The wait activity allows a
process to wait for a given time period or until a time limit has been reached.
It allows a process to
specify a delay for a certain period of time or until a certain deadline is
<wait <for>'duration-expr'</for> |
The bind-Entity is used to
create a key point to the data in an application development framework
bussiness componenet or ADF BC data provider service(via an entity variable).
"This activity
invokes compensation on an inner scope activity that has successfully
This activity can be
invoked only from within a fault handler or another compensation handler.
"Compensation occurs
when a process cannot complete several operations after completing others.
The process must return
and undo the previously completed operations. "
For example, assume a
process is designed to book a rental car, a hotel, and a flight. The process
books the car and the hotel, but cannot book a flight for the correct day. In
this case, the process performs compensation by unbooking the car and the
The compensation handler
is invoked with the compensate activity, which names the scope on which the
compensation handler is to be invoked.
It is used to invoke a
compensating sequence of activities as a result of a fault or execution of a
compansate handler.
The BPEL process can be made use of for notification
service. The process can be designed to send the following
voice message
instant messaging (IM), or
short message service
(SMS) notifications
For the services mentioned
above, you can configure the channel for the incoming and outgoing message.
It provides a way to send
an email notification about an event.
It provides
a way to send a short message system, also known as SMS Notification.
It provides a way to send a telephone voice notification about an event.
the terminate activity
enables you to end the tasks of an activity (Ex:,the fault handling tasks in a
catch branchs).
throw activity generates a
fault from within the business process.
What is a
throw activity? What it is ?
Throw activity will explicitly throw the fault and this
fault will get caught by the catch block and the corresponding actions will get
Predefined errors in BPEL?
Custom errors
Timed out errors
BPM errors
· Validation Errors
error handling in BPEL and what is a error handling framework? How does a error
handling framework better than simple error handling in BPEL?
EHF –Whenever any error thrown by the BPEL process/Mediator
then EHF will check whether exist in Fault-Bindings.xml files and
if so then the action in the Fault-Policy.xml file will be
taken and if the action is not found then the fault will the thrown and it will
be handled in the catch block.
How do we
resubmit a faulted process?
Scenario A: The BPEL code uses a fault-policy and a fault is
handled using the “ora-human-intervention” activity, then the fault is marked
as Recoverable and the instance state is set to “Running”.
Scenario B: The BPEL code uses a fault-policy and a fault is caught and re-thrown using the “ora-rethrow-fault” action, then the fault is marked as Recoverable and the instance state is set to “Faulted”; provided the fault is a recoverable one (like URL was not available).
This activity enables you
to create a transformation that maps source elements to target elements (for
example, incoming purchase order data into outgoing purchase order
acknowledgment data).
Transform activity enables you to create a transformation that maps source elements to target elements.
An empty activity provides
a no-operation activity. This is useful when u need to insert specific sensor
points for monitoring business activity or when a fault need to be caught and
Java Embedding
Enables you to add custom
java code to a BPEL process using the java BPEL exec extension.
BPEL variables
It used to exchange data
btn activities within a BPEL Processes or with other service in a composite.
A variable can be defined
in a main scope of a BPEL process or within a scope as a data variable.
3 types of BPEL variable
Xml Schema Type (Built-in datatype – string,int, boolean etc)
Message Type of partner links or any project WSDL Files. (defined in wsdl.)
Element Types of any project schema files, imported schema files or project wsdl files or
Imported schema of project
partner links. (either direct on BPEL Process, WSDL or an xml schema document.)
Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process
Parallel flows are
especially useful when you must perform several time-consuming and independent
A BPEL process service
component must sometimes gather information from multiple asynchronous sources.
Because each callback can take an undefined amount of time (hours or days), it
may take too long to call each service one at a time. By breaking the calls
into a parallel flow, a BPEL process service component can invoke multiple web
services at the same time, and receive the responses as they come in. This
method is much more time efficient.
Execution of Parallel Flow Branches in a Single Thread
Branches in flow, flowN, and forEach activities are executed
serially in a single thread.
To achieve
pseudo-parallelism, you can configure invoke activities to be nonblocking with
the nonBlockingInvoke
deployment descriptor property. When this
property is set to true
, th
e process manager creates a new thread to perform each
branch's invoke activity in parallel.
Creating a Parallel Flow
You can create a parallel
flow in a BPEL process service component with the flow activity.
The flow activity enables
you to specify one or more activities to be performed concurrently.
The flow activity also
provides synchronization.
The flow activity completes
when all activities in the flow have finished processing.
Note: Branches in a flow activity are executed serially in a single
A flow activity typically
contains many sequence activities.
Each sequence is performed
in parallel.
This activity enables you to specify one or
more activities to be performed concurrently. A flow activity completes when
all activities in the flow have finished processing. Completion of a flow
activity includes the possibility that it can be skipped if its enabling
condition is false.
For example, assume you use a flow activity to
enable two loan offer providers (United Loan service and Star Loan service) to
start in parallel. In this case, the flow activity contains two parallel
activities – the sequence to invoke the United Loan service and the sequence to
invoke the Star Loan service. Each service can take an arbitrary amount of time
to complete their loan processes.
A flow activity typically
contains many sequence activities, and each sequence is performed in parallel.
For example, two
asynchronous callbacks execute in parallel, so that one callback does not have
to wait for the other to complete first. Each response is stored in a different
global variable.
The BPEL Code determines
the number of parallel branches.
The flow activity provides
a mechanism to specify one or more sequence of activities to be performed
The BPEL Code determines
the number of parallel branches. However the number of required branches could
vary depending on the available information.
This activity enables you to create multiple
flows equal to the value of N, which is defined at runtime based on the data
available and logic within the process. An index variable increments each time
a new branch is created, until the index variable reaches the value of N.
Create multiple flows
equal to the value of N. which defined at run time based on data available and
logic within within the process.
An index variable increments
each time a new branch is created, until the index variable reaches the value
of N.
The flowN activity
performs activities on an arbitrary number of data elements.
As the number of elements
changes, the BPEL process adjusts accordingly.
The branches created by
flowN perform the same activities, but use different data.
Each branch uses the index
variable to look up input variables.
The index variable can be
used in the XPath expression to acquire the data specific for that branch.
forEach Activity
You can use a
forEach activity to process multiple sets of activities sequentially or in
The forEach activity
executes a contained (child) scope activity exactly N+1
times, where N equals a final
counter value minus a starting counter value that you specify in the Counter Values tab of the For Each dialog.
If activity
Enables you to use an if
activity when conditional behaviour is required for specific activities to
decide between two or more branches.
This activity replaces the
switch activity in BPEL 2.0. The activity enables you to define conditional
behaviour for specific activities to decide between two or more branches. Only
one activity is selected for execution from a set of branches.
BPEL - Using Conditional Branching
Switch activity
This activity consists of
an ordered list of one or more conditional branches defined in a case branch,
followed optionally by an otherwise branch. The branches are considered in the
order in which they appear. The first branch whose condition is true is taken
and provides the activity performed for the switch. If no branch with a
condition is taken, then the otherwise branch is taken. If the otherwise branch
is not explicitly specified, then an otherwise branch with an empty activity is
assumed to be available. The switch activity is complete when the activity of
the selected branch completes.
A switch activity differs
in functionality from a flow activity. For example, a flow activity enables a
process to gather two loan offers at the same time, but does not compare their
values. To compare and make decisions on the values of the two offers, a switch
activity is used. The first branch is executed if a defined condition (inside
the case branch) is met. If it is not met, the otherwise branch is executed.
In a BPEL process, we
implement a conditional branch using a switch activity.
Switch Activity adds a
<switch> element in the BPEL source.
It consists of one or more
ordered <case> branches for specifying a condition to be evaluated that
are processed in their order of appearance
and whichever branch encountered with a true condition, it is processed Switch
activity may may not have an
<otherwise> branch .
Otherwise branch is
processed if all <case> conditions are false.
Switch activity contains
activities for implicit exception handling.
Enables you to set up two
or more branches, with each branch in the form of an XPath expression. If the
expression is true, then the branch is executed. If the expression is false,
then the BPEL process service component moves to the next branch condition,
until it either finds a valid branch condition, encounters an otherwise branch,
or runs out of branches.
If multiple branch
conditions are true, then BPEL executes the first true branch.
While activity
Enables you to create a
while loop to select between two actions.
The while loop repeats an
activity until a specified success criteria is met.
repeatUntil Activity
If the body of an activity
must be performed at least once, use a repeatUntil activity instead of a while
The XPath expression condition in the repeatUntil activity
is evaluated after the body of the activity completes.
This activity helps compensate the specified child scope.
This activity has been added to fault handlers. It enables you to rethrow a fault originally captured by the immediately enclosing fault handler.
What Happens When You Create a SOA Application and
A BPEL directory is created for
BPEL processes.
A Mediators directory is created
for Oracle Mediators.
A HumanTasks directory is created for human
An oracle/rules directory is created for business rules.
the business event files (.edn).
the BPEL process schema files (.xsd).
the test suite files.
the transformation XSLT (.xsl) and XQuery (.xqy)
mapper files.
all WSDL files (.wsdl).
A composite_name file is automatically created when you create a SOA
project. This file describes the entire composite assembly of services, service
components, references, and wires.
in the BPEL Composite
The BPEL composite contains the
following files −
composite.xml − This file describes the entire composite assembly of
services, service components, references, and wires.
.bpel − This file contains the set of activities added to the process.
.componentType − This file describes the services and references for the
BPEL process service component.
.wsdl − This file defines the input and output messages for this BPEL
process flow, the supported client interface and operations, and other
Binding components establish a connection between a SOA composite and the external world. There are two types of binding components:
provide the outside world with an entry point to the SOA composite application.
By using WSDL.
The binding connectivity of the service describes the protocols that can communicate with the service, for example, SOAP/HTTP or a JCA adapter.
References enable
messages to be sent from the SOA composite application to external services in
the outside world.
Service (default)
Creates a web service to
provide an entry point to the SOA composite application
Creates a web service to provide access to an external service in the outside world.
This includes the AQ adapter, database adapter,
file adapter, FTP adapter, JMS adapter, MQ adapter, socket adapter, Oracle User
Messaging Service adapter, LDAP adapter, Oracle Coherence adapter, and
third-party adapter.
Share Data
with the SOA Design-Time MDS Repository
Export the
Selected Contents of the /apps Folder to a JAR File
the Contents of the JAR File into the /apps Folder
the Selected Contents of the /apps Folder to another MDS Repository
Export an existing Release 11g MDS Repository to a
JAR file:
Human Task
business process requires an element of human intervention.
->There are
cases where fully automated business processes also require human intervention
while managing error /exception.
with people for manual intervention.
right users or group with the tasks.
Human Workflow Components:
Human Task: Task or work assign to user, role or group.
Participant: Users or set of users identified for a task based on some business policy and to which task is routed.
Notification: A message sent to a user or a group assigned to a task.
Work list: An web based application for the users to log-in and act on tasks.
Human task Editor:A tool used to define/modify the task settings and parameters.
Human task configuration is
stored in a .task metadata file that is deployed with the project.
Task Parameter
Add Task parameter in the parameter section of the .task
Define the type of parameter as simple type or xsd
element type.
Map the parameter value with a corresponding BPEL
Generate a task form.
Access the worklist Application.
After login into worklist application user can view
Task assignment
Task parameter information.
Idempotent Activity are those that can be retired. Ex:
Assign activity.
It happen only once such as invoke activity, after that bpel
engine saves the instance.
"Breakpoint Activities - Receive, pick, wait,
onMessage, onAlarm are nonidempotent activities.
Others are idempotent activity.)"
are two kinds of processes in BPEL.
Durable and Transient
Durable processes have one or more midprocess breakpoint or
idempotent activities. Causing it to stop and wait for some event in the middle
of the process.
Durable process tend to be long-lived.
Transient process do not have any midprocess breakpoint and
idempotent activities. They do not stop and wait for any event in the middle of
the process.
Transient process tend to be short-lived.
If there are any breakpoint activities, the process is
durable otherwise, the process is transient.
Saves current state of long running information. (Such as
when a process is waiting for asynchronous call back) in a dehydration
It saves last state of the BPEL Process instance.
When dehydration
does occurs?
Dehydration occurs when the BPEL process encounters a
breakpoint activities.
These are the three case when dehydration occurs.
When the BPEL instance encounters a midprocess
breakpoint activity,(excluding the initial receive).
This only occurs to durable and nontransient process."
-> When the BPEL instance encounters a nonidempotent
activity(such as invoke). On recovery from a
Crash, The BPEL engine retires only the idempotent
activities. Therefore, dehydration occurs when the engine encounters a nonidempotent
->When the BPEL instance finishes, The BPEL engine saves
the process instance to the dehydration
Store, unless t is configured not to do so. This occurs to durable and transient processes."
By default, all the BPEL process are dehydrated weather they
are synchronous or asynchronous.
"However, if a synchronous process does not need to be durable,
you can turn off dehydration mechanism by setting the properties (in the BPEL
Process deployment descriptor):"
= true
= faulted/off
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